
Pentecost: The Profound Connection of Old and New Testaments

Published on: 23rd February, 2025

The narrative presented in this episode intricately weaves together the theological significance of Pentecost with the historical legacy of Israel's covenant relationship with God. It posits that the event of Pentecost is not merely an isolated occurrence but is deeply rooted in the Old Testament's rich tapestry of divine communication. The teachings of Glenn Bleakney are pivotal in this discussion, as they illuminate how God has consistently sought to foster a direct relationship with humanity. The episode articulates that the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost serves as a fulfillment of God's long-standing desire for communion, echoing the initial interactions between God and the Israelites at Sinai, where He spoke directly to His people.

Listeners are invited to contemplate the implications of the Israelites' decision to distance themselves from God's immediate presence due to fear, leading to a reliance on intermediaries such as Moses. This reliance on human mediators is contrasted with the transformative access to God granted through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The discourse emphasizes that Jesus' ministry was a preparatory phase, equipping His disciples to receive the Holy Spirit, thereby restoring the possibility of direct engagement with the Divine. Ultimately, the episode encourages a re-evaluation of the traditional understanding of spiritual gifts and the role of the Holy Spirit, advocating for a perspective that sees the Spirit as integral to every aspect of life, fostering empowerment, purpose, and connection to God's overarching plan.


  • In this episode, we explore the profound teachings of Glenn Bleakney regarding Pentecost, emphasizing its significance in the broader narrative of divine communication.
  • Bleakney articulates that Pentecost represents not merely a New Testament phenomenon but rather the culmination of God's enduring plan for direct communion with humanity.
  • The discussion reveals that the Holy Spirit serves as the essential conduit for believers to access the intimate presence of God, akin to the experiences of the high priests in the Holy of Holies.
  • We examine how John the Baptist's role was pivotal in preparing the way for Jesus, highlighting the necessity of repentance for aligning with God's divine will and intention.
  • Bleakney provides an enlightening perspective that suggests the Holy Spirit's presence today enables believers to experience a transformative relationship with God, transcending mere intellectual understanding.
  • The episode concludes with an invitation to delve deeper into these themes through the Kingdom Reformation community, fostering a collective journey towards greater spiritual intimacy and empowerment.

Links referenced in this episode:

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • Kingdom Reformation
Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Get ready.

Speaker B:

Because today we're taking a deep dive into Pentecost, but maybe not how you'd expect.

Speaker B:

We're looking at the teachings of Glenn Blickney, and it gets really interesting.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Bleakney has this unique perspective on Pentecost and how it connects the Old Testament with the New.

Speaker B:

It's like he's saying, hey, wait a minute.

Speaker B:

Pentecost wasn't just this random New Testament event.

Speaker B:

It's actually like the culmination of a plan God had all along, even back in the Old Testament.

Speaker C:

And this plan revolves around God wanting to communicate with us directly.

Speaker C:

But to really get that, we've got to start with John the Baptist.

Speaker B:

Okay, so John the Baptist, most people think of him as the guy who baptized Jesus, Right?

Speaker C:

But Bleakney is saying that John wasn't the main event.

Speaker C:

You know, he was getting things ready, like preparing the way he was getting.

Speaker B:

Everyone ready for Jesus.

Speaker B:

But how does that tie into this idea of communicating directly with God?

Speaker C:

Well, John's whole message was about repentance, Right.

Speaker C:

But he's not talking about repentance as, like, a punishment or anything.

Speaker C:

It's more about getting aligned with God's will.

Speaker B:

So it's not like we should feel bad about messing up.

Speaker B:

It's more like getting our hearts and minds on the same page as what God wants.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And that's important for having that close relationship Bleakny is talking about.

Speaker B:

This is where things get really interesting.

Speaker B:

Bleakney points out that Pentecost wasn't originally a Christian thing at all.

Speaker B:

It was a Jewish holiday, Shavut, the one that celebrates giving the Torah at Mount Sinai.

Speaker C:

And Shavuot's a big deal in Judaism.

Speaker C:

It's all about that agreement between God and his people, that covenant.

Speaker B:

But Bleakny thinks that God didn't really want to give written laws.

Speaker B:

He wanted something much closer, like direct communication.

Speaker B:

He uses Exodus 19 as an example.

Speaker C:

Right, where God talks to the Israelites and they can actually hear his voice.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Direct communication with God is something people have always wanted.

Speaker C:

It's this idea of a real connection, you know, something deeper than just words or rituals.

Speaker B:

So if that's how God wanted it, then why did things change?

Speaker B:

Why did we start needing mediators and written laws?

Speaker B:

What happened?

Speaker C:

Well, Blickney points out something interesting.

Speaker C:

He says when the Israelites experienced God at Mount Sinai, they were terrified.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

The thunder, the lightning, it was too much for them.

Speaker B:

I bet being in the presence of that much power would be intense.

Speaker C:

So they asked Moses to be the go between to talk to God, for them, it's like they chose to keep their distance instead of having that direct encounter.

Speaker B:

So they went for a less personal connection because they were scared.

Speaker C:

That's what Bleakney suggests.

Speaker C:

And he says that set a pattern of relying on other people on systems instead of searching for that closeness with God that was always intended.

Speaker C:

It's like they had this incredible chance and they decided to keep God at arm's length.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That's a pretty powerful insight.

Speaker B:

So where does Jesus fit into all of this?

Speaker C:

Now that's where it gets even more interesting.

Speaker C:

Jesus, at first, he's like a mediator between God and people, kind of like Moses was for the Israelites.

Speaker C:

But Blakeney says that ultimately Jesus wanted us to have that same access to God that the Israelites were so afraid of.

Speaker B:

So Jesus wasn't just a go between.

Speaker B:

He was showing us how to get back to that original connection with God.

Speaker C:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker C:

And that's where the Holy Spirit comes in.

Speaker B:

Okay, so the Holy Spirit is the key to having this direct access to God.

Speaker B:

I see how we're getting back to Pentecost now.

Speaker C:

You got it.

Speaker C:

And Bleakney uses Jesus words in John 16.7 where he says, it's good for you that I'm going away.

Speaker C:

If I don't go, the advocate won't come to you, but if I go, I'll send him to you.

Speaker B:

So Jesus is saying that him leaving actually makes room for the Holy Spirit.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Bleakny really emphasizes this.

Speaker C:

The Holy Spirit isn't some kind of second best.

Speaker C:

He sees it as an even better way for us to experience God than was possible even when Jesus was physically here.

Speaker B:

Wait, are you saying that having the Holy Spirit with us is a closer connection with God than actually being with Jesus?

Speaker B:

That's a pretty big statement.

Speaker C:

It is, but Bleakny explains it all through this really fascinating look at the tabernacle and what it means.

Speaker C:

And that's something we can talk about after a quick break.

Speaker B:

This is getting good.

Speaker B:

We'll be right back to explore the whole mystery of the tabernacle and how it connects to all of this.

Speaker B:

Stay with us.

Speaker A:

Hey, everyone.

Speaker A:

Glenn Blakeney here.

Speaker A:

Are you passionate about revival and reformation?

Speaker A:

Do you want to deepen your understanding of fivefold ministry and how to advance the kingdom in every sphere of life, including the marketplace?

Speaker A:

Well then join the Kingdom Reformation leaders community.

Speaker A:

Today we offer a free subscription to get you started as well as a monthly plan that provides valuable content and insights for those seeking even more.

Speaker A:

Our leaders plan includes all inclusive access to a wealth of resources focused on church leadership, apostolic movements, prophetic ministry, and much more.

Speaker A:

You can engage in live sessions and discussions that explore how to effectively implement these principles in your life and community.

Speaker A:

With our monthly Leaders Training featuring esteemed Kingdom leaders from around the globe, you'll be equipped to make a transformative impact.

Speaker A:

Don't miss this chance to grow in your calling and to contribute to the movement of revival and reformation advancing the Kingdom of God to cities and nations.

Speaker A:

Sign up for the Leaders Plan or any other subscription@domedyreformation.org today.

Speaker C:

We're back and before the break, we were talking about the Holy Spirit, how it's like this upgraded way to experience God, even more so than when Jesus was physically here on earth.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that was a pretty mind blowing idea you mentioned.

Speaker B:

Bleakny can exit to the tabernacle, though, so I'm really curious about that.

Speaker C:

Well, Bleakny points out that the instructions for making the tabernacle take up a huge part of Exodus.

Speaker C:

He thinks this shows how important the tabernacle is for understanding how God wants to be with us.

Speaker B:

So the tabernacle is not just some random building.

Speaker B:

It's actually a key to understanding our relationship with God.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Bleakny actually compares the tabernacle to our own spiritual journey.

Speaker C:

Like, the tabernacle has outer courts and then this inner sanctum.

Speaker C:

And it's kind of like how we move from outward religious stuff to this deep inner connection with God.

Speaker B:

Okay, I see how things are coming together, but how does Pentecost fit into all of this?

Speaker B:

You know, with the Holy Spirit coming down?

Speaker C:

Bleakny says Pentecost is like the fulfillment of what the tabernacle is pointing to.

Speaker C:

Remember, the Holy Spirit wasn't a brand new thing that just showed up with Jesus.

Speaker C:

There are references to God's spirit working in the world all through the Old Testament.

Speaker B:

The Holy Spirit was part of the plan all along.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And Pentecost is like this big outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and it gives believers the power to have that direct connection with God that was symbolized by the holy of holies in the tabernacle.

Speaker B:

Are you saying that because of the Holy Spirit we can now have that same closeness with God that the high priest had when he went into the holy of holies?

Speaker C:

That's what Bleakney's saying.

Speaker C:

It's like Pentecost throws open the doors to the holy of holies and says, come on in, everyone.

Speaker C:

Everyone can have that direct connection with God.

Speaker B:

That's a pretty radical thought.

Speaker B:

But if that's true, why did it take so long?

Speaker B:

Why didn't God just give us the Holy Spirit from the very beginning?

Speaker C:

Well, Blakeney suggests that back then, people weren't ready for that level of closeness with God.

Speaker C:

Remember the Israelites at Mount Sinai?

Speaker C:

They were terrified by God's presence.

Speaker C:

He's saying we needed time to grow up spiritually to be able to handle that kind of intimacy.

Speaker B:

So Jesus coming first was necessary to prepare us for the Holy Spirit.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And Bleakney points out that Jesus was always showing the power of the Holy Spirit in everything he did.

Speaker C:

He wasn't just talking about it.

Speaker C:

He was healing people, casting out demons, even raising people from the dead, all through the power of the Spirit.

Speaker B:

So it's like he was showing everyone what it looks like to be led by the Spirit to have that divine power working through you.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Bleakney thinks that Jesus whole ministry was like a training ground for his disciples, getting them ready to receive the Holy Spirit and keep doing his work after he was gone.

Speaker C:

He was showing them how to live in the world, how to be completely in line with God's will and empowered by the Spirit.

Speaker B:

So he's basically saying, watch me, learn from me and you'll be able to do even greater things because you'll have the Holy Spirit living inside you.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's a great way to put it.

Speaker C:

And Pentecost is when that power really came upon them.

Speaker C:

They didn't just get new information, they had an experience.

Speaker B:

And Bligny thinks we can have that same experience today.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

He's really clear that Pentecost wasn't just a one time thing.

Speaker C:

It was the beginning of a whole new way of life for the disciples.

Speaker C:

A life where they completely surrendered to the Holy Spirit, walked in his power and lived out God's kingdom here and now.

Speaker C:

And he believes we can experience that same transformation today.

Speaker B:

So it's not just about understanding the Holy Spirit with our minds, it's about feeling that power in our own lives.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

It's about letting the Holy Spirit guide us, empower us and change us from the inside out.

Speaker C:

Blickney even says that the Holy Spirit's work isn't just for spiritual things.

Speaker C:

He thinks it affects every part of our lives.

Speaker C:

Our relationships, our work, our creativity, even our physical health.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So it's not about keeping our faith separate.

Speaker B:

It's about letting the Holy Spirit be a part of everything we are.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Blickny wants us to see the Holy Spirit not as some far off force, but as someone who is actually present with us, always there to guide us, comfort us, and give us the power to Live lives full of purpose, joy, and love.

Speaker B:

It's a really beautiful way to think about it.

Speaker B:

But if the Holy Spirit is so involved in our lives, how can we even tell when it's his voice we're hearing?

Speaker B:

How do we know if it's our own thoughts or the Holy Spirit guiding us?

Speaker C:

That's a great question, and it's something a lot of people struggle with.

Speaker C:

Bleakny suggests that to build a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit, we need to do things like pray, meditate, study scripture, and spend time in nature.

Speaker B:

So it's about finding quiet time, making space to listen so we can hear the Spirit even when life is noisy and chaotic.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And he also says it's really important to have other believers around us.

Speaker C:

They can support us, encourage us, and help us figure out what the Spirit is saying.

Speaker B:

It's like having a spiritual gps, but instead of just relying on the device, we also have friends along for the ride who can help us understand the map, suggest different routes, and just keep us company on the journey.

Speaker C:

That's a great way to put it.

Speaker C:

And Bleakny reminds us that learning to follow the Spirit is a lifelong process.

Speaker C:

There will be times when things are clear and times when we're confused.

Speaker C:

There will be times when we feel confident and times when we doubt.

Speaker B:

But the important thing is to stay connected to God, to keep searching, keep listening, and trust that the Holy Spirit is always with us, guiding us towards who we're meant to be and the purpose God has for our lives.

Speaker C:

You got it.

Speaker C:

And Blikni is so passionate about helping people discover the real meaning of Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker C:

He even started a community for people to explore these ideas and experience this transformation firsthand.

Speaker B:

Oh, tell me more about that.

Speaker B:

I know our listeners would love to connect with others who are on this journey, for sure.

Speaker C:

Blickney founded an organization called Kingdom Reformation, and they have a really active online community where people can meet, learn, and grow together.

Speaker B:

That sounds incredible.

Speaker B:

What's the best way for people to learn more about Kingdom Reformation?

Speaker C:

They can go to the website kingdomreformation.org they've got tons of resources there, like teachings, articles, and information about how to join the community.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

We'll be sure to include that link in our show notes.

Speaker B:

This conversation has been so insightful.

Speaker B:

I mean, Bleakney's teachings give us a whole new perspective on the Holy Spirit, and it's really, really empowering.

Speaker C:

I agree.

Speaker C:

He really challenges us to go beyond just thinking about faith and to actually experience God's presence.

Speaker C:

And power.

Speaker C:

It's about letting that love change us and then letting it flow through us to touch the world around us.

Speaker B:

It's about becoming living, breathing tabernacles, carrying God's presence wherever we go.

Speaker C:

Beautifully said.

Speaker C:

And, you know, Blikni doesn't shy away from some of the tougher parts of this topic either, like the whole idea of spiritual gifts, which can be a bit controversial.

Speaker C:

He has some really interesting thoughts about that.

Speaker B:

I'd love to hear more about that.

Speaker B:

It's something people always have questions about, for sure.

Speaker C:

And I think Bleakney's approach can help us understand it all in a more graceful way, but we'll have to save that for another time.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Unfortunately, we're out of time for today's deep dive, but we want to thank you for joining us on this incredible journey into the true purpose of Pentecost.

Speaker B:

Hopefully you're feeling inspired and maybe even want to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in a new way.

Speaker C:

And remember, if you're intrigued by what you've heard and want to explore more, check out kingdomreformation.org thanks again for listening.

Speaker B:

And until next time, keep seeking, keep exploring, and keep letting the Holy Spirit guide you into everything God has for you.

Speaker C:

So we were talking about the Holy Spirit being like this upgrade, you know, even better than when Jesus was physically here.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that was pretty wild.

Speaker B:

But you mentioned the tabernacle.

Speaker B:

Bleakney connects it all to that, right?

Speaker C:

He does.

Speaker C:

He points out that the instructions for the tabernacle, they take up, like, a huge chunk of Exodus.

Speaker C:

He thinks that's important.

Speaker C:

You know, it shows how important the tabernacle is for understanding how God relates to us.

Speaker B:

So it's not just some random building.

Speaker B:

The tabernacle is like a key to understanding our relationship with God.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And Blikani compares it to our own spiritual journeys.

Speaker C:

Like, the tabernacle has the outer courts and then the inner sanctum.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

It's like how we go from outward religious stuff to a really deep interconnection with God.

Speaker B:

Okay, I'm starting to see how this all comes together.

Speaker B:

But where does Pentecost fit into this?

Speaker B:

You know, with the Holy Spirit coming down?

Speaker C:

Blipni says Pentecost is like the fulfillment of what the tabernacle was pointing to.

Speaker C:

And remember, the Holy Spirit wasn't something new that just appeared with Jesus.

Speaker C:

The Old Testament talks about God's Spirit working all over the place.

Speaker B:

So the Holy Spirit was always part of the plan.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And Pentecost is like this massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit giving believers that power to connect with God directly, like what the Holy of Holies symbolized in the Tabernacle.

Speaker B:

So are you saying that now we can have that same closeness with God that the high priests had in the Holy of Holies because of the Holy Spirit?

Speaker C:

That's exactly what Blakeney's saying.

Speaker C:

It's like Pentecost opens the doors to the Holy of Holies and says everyone's invited.

Speaker C:

That direct connection is available to all of us.

Speaker B:

That's a pretty radical thought.

Speaker B:

Why did it take so long, though?

Speaker B:

Why didn't God just give us the Holy Spirit way back in the beginning?

Speaker C:

Well, Bleakney thinks that maybe people weren't ready for that level of closeness with God back then.

Speaker C:

Think about those Israelites at Mount Sinai.

Speaker C:

They were terrified.

Speaker C:

He's saying we needed time, you know, time to grow spiritually, to be able to handle that kind of intimacy.

Speaker B:

So Jesus coming first was like preparing the way for the Holy Spirit?

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And Blickney points out that everything Jesus did, he did with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker C:

He wasn't just talking about it.

Speaker C:

He healed people, cast out demons, he even raised people from the dead, all through the power of the Spirit.

Speaker B:

So it's like he was showing us what it looks like to have that power working through you, to be led by the Spirit.

Speaker C:

That's it.

Speaker C:

Bleakny believes Jesus entire ministry was like training his disciples, getting them ready to receive the Holy Spirit and continue what he started.

Speaker C:

He was showing them a way of life, you know, a way to live that's completely aligned with God's will and empowered by the Spirit.

Speaker B:

It's like he was saying, watch me, learn from me, and you'll be able to do even greater things because the Holy Spirit will be living inside you.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's a great way to put it.

Speaker C:

And Pentecost is when that power really came upon them.

Speaker C:

It wasn't just information.

Speaker C:

They had an experience.

Speaker B:

And Bligny thinks we can have that same experience today.

Speaker C:

Oh, absolutely.

Speaker C:

He makes it very clear that Pentecost wasn't just a one time event.

Speaker C:

It was the start of a whole new way of life for the disciples.

Speaker C:

A life of total surrender to the Holy Spirit, walking in his power, living out God's kingdom right here and now.

Speaker C:

He believes we can have that same transformation.

Speaker B:

So it's not just about understanding the Holy Spirit in our heads.

Speaker B:

It's about experiencing that power in our lives.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

It's about letting the Holy Spirit lead us, empower us and change us from the inside out.

Speaker C:

Bleakney Even goes as far as to say the Holy Spirit isn't limited to just spiritual stuff.

Speaker C:

He thinks it affects our relationships, our work, our creativity, even our physical health.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So it's not about keeping our faith separate from the rest of our lives.

Speaker B:

It's about letting the Holy Spirit affect everything we are.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

He wants us to see the Holy Spirit as someone who's always with us, not some distant force always there to guide us, comfort us, and give us the power to live lives full of purpose, joy, and love.

Speaker B:

That's a really amazing way to think about it.

Speaker B:

But if the Holy Spirit is that involved, how do we even know when it's his voice we're hearing?

Speaker B:

How can we tell the difference between our own thoughts and the Holy Spirit's guidance?

Speaker C:

So we were talking about how to recognize the Holy Spirit's voice, and Blickney says to build a strong relationship, we need things like prayer, meditation, studying scripture, spending time in nature.

Speaker B:

Like finding those quiet spaces to really listen so we can hear the Spirit even when everything's crazy and loud around us.

Speaker C:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker C:

He also says having other believers around is really important.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

You know, people who can support us, encourage us, and help us figure out what the Spirit's trying to say.

Speaker B:

It's like having a spiritual gps, but instead of relying on the device alone, we've got friends on the journey with us.

Speaker B:

They help us read the maps, suggest different routes, you know, just keep us company along the way.

Speaker C:

That's such a good analogy.

Speaker C:

And Bleakni says learning to follow the Spirit is a lifelong thing.

Speaker C:

There will be times when it's clear, times when it's confusing.

Speaker C:

Sometimes we'll feel confident, sometimes we'll doubt.

Speaker B:

But the key is to stay connected to God, to keep looking, keep listening, and trust that the Holy Spirit is always there with us, guiding us toward who we're supposed to be and what God wants for our lives.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And Bleakny is so passionate about this whole thing, helping people understand Pentecost and the Holy Spirit's power.

Speaker C:

He actually started a community so people can dive deeper into these ideas and actually experience this transformation for themselves.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Tell me more about that.

Speaker B:

I bet our listeners would love to connect with others who are exploring this too.

Speaker C:

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker C:

He founded this organization called Kingdom Reformation, and they have a really active online community where people can connect, learn, and grow together.

Speaker B:

Wow, that sounds amazing.

Speaker B:

What's the best way for people to learn more about it?

Speaker C:

The website is kingdomreformation.org They've got tons of resources, teachings, articles, and information about how to join.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

We'll definitely put that link in the show.

Speaker B:

Notes this has been such an eye opening conversation.

Speaker B:

Bleakny's teachings really give us a whole new way to think about the Holy Spirit and it's so empowering.

Speaker C:

Totally agree.

Speaker C:

It's not just about knowing stuff about faith, it's about actually experiencing God's presence and power.

Speaker C:

It's like letting that love change us from the inside out and then letting it flow through us to touch other people's lives.

Speaker B:

So we become these living, breathing tabernacles carrying God's presence everywhere we go.

Speaker C:

Beautifully said.

Speaker C:

And you know, it's interesting, Bleakny doesn't shy away from those tougher topics either, like spiritual gifts.

Speaker C:

It can be kind of controversial, but he has some really fascinating insights about that.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I've always wondered about that.

Speaker B:

People have so many questions about spiritual gifts.

Speaker C:

I know, right?

Speaker C:

And I think Bleakni's perspective can help us understand it all in a more, I don't know, a more gentle way.

Speaker C:

But we'll have to save that for another time.

Speaker B:

I guess we are out of time for today's deep dive.

Speaker B:

But thank you so much for joining us on this journey into the true purpose of Pentecost.

Speaker B:

We hope you're feeling inspired and maybe even want to experience the Holy Spirit's power in a deeper way now.

Speaker C:

And don't forget, if you're curious and want to learn more, check out kingdomreformation.org.

Speaker B:

Thanks for listening everyone.

Speaker B:

And until next time, keep searching, keep exploring, and keep letting the Holy Spirit lead you into everything God has planned for.

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Kingdom Encounter with Glenn Bleakney

Kingdom Encounter with Glenn Bleakney

The teachings and ministry of Glenn and Lynn Bleakney of Awake Nations Ministries. Learn more about us by visiting AwakeNations.org.
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Awake Nations
Join us for Kingdom teaching and discussions with Glenn Bleakney of Awake Nations Ministries. Watch our TV shows online at https://KingdomCommunity.tv
Experience transformative Kingdom teachings and profound conversations as Glenn Bleakney, founder of Awake Nations Ministries, explores the depths of spiritual awakening and church reformation. Through powerful teaching sessions and insightful interviews with Kingdom leaders, this podcast delves into revival, the Five-fold ministry, and revolutionary perspectives on building God's Kingdom. Each episode equips believers with fresh revelations and practical wisdom for advancing God's purposes in their lives and communities.
Discover more about Glenn Bleakney's ministry at AwakeNations.org.
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Glenn Bleakney

Glenn Bleakney is the founder of Awake Nations and the Kingdom Community. Learn more by visiting AwakeNations.org and KingdomCommunity.tv