
Exploring the Depths of Glenn Bleakney's 'Living in the Kingdom'

Published on: 13th February, 2025

Purchase the book, Living in the Kingdom - https://a.co/d/1qLkFId


  • The podcast emphasizes the importance of understanding the distinct nature of salvation and living within the Kingdom of God, which is a much broader concept than merely going to heaven after death.
  • Glenn Bleakney's book, 'Living in the Kingdom', reveals that the Kingdom of God encompasses not only spiritual matters but also practical transformation in our cities and nations.
  • The discussion highlights the concept of a 'lost and found kingdom', illustrating that humanity lost its original authority and dominion over the earth, which is crucial for understanding our current role in the world.
  • The podcast articulates that real change in our lives and communities is rooted in our identity as citizens of the Kingdom, emphasizing the necessity of faith and active participation in this divine economy.
  • Listeners are encouraged to view signs and wonders as evidence of God's compassion and a demonstration of the completeness of the gospel, which is essential for experiencing the fullness of salvation today.
  • Finally, the speakers challenge listeners to embrace their roles as active participants in bringing the Kingdom to earth, equipping themselves to influence every area of life through love, grace, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Speaker A:

Welcome back to the Deep Dive.

Speaker A:

You know, we love to really dig deep into these topics that are so important to all of us.

Speaker A:

And today we are going to be exploring Glenn Bleakney's book, Living in the Kingdom.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker A:

And I know a lot of you are really passionate about moving beyond just like church growth metrics.

Speaker A:

You know, we're talking about, like, seeing real transformation in cities and nations.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And that's exactly what Bleakney is talking about in this book.

Speaker A:

It's all about tapping into the power of the kingdom of God to really make a difference in the world.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And Ligney kicks things off with this really thought provoking idea.

Speaker B:

You know, what if the church is missing the full picture of the Gospel of the Kingdom?

Speaker B:

You know, he points out that the word Kingdom appears over 160 times in the Bible compared to just one mention of the gospel of salvation.

Speaker A:

That's a huge difference.

Speaker A:

So is he saying that getting saved and living in the kingdom are two different things?

Speaker A:

Because I think a lot of us, you know, growing up, we thought those were pretty much the same thing.

Speaker B:

You've hit the nail on the head there.

Speaker B:

I think Bleakney is definitely making a distinction there.

Speaker B:

And he really dives deep into explaining what this kingdom actually is, you know, and how we can practically live in it right now, not just in some future heavenly scenario.

Speaker A:

Okay, so less about, you know, pie in the sky when we die, and more about experiencing the kingdom's power here on Earth today.

Speaker A:

I like it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That's the heart of it.

Speaker A:

So to start unpacking this.

Speaker A:

Bletney talks about this idea of a lost and found kingdom.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he goes back to the Garden of Eden and talks about Adam and Eve losing something.

Speaker A:

But it's not just fellowship with God that they lost.

Speaker B:

Right, you're picking up on something really important there.

Speaker B:

Bleakney argues that they lost their position of authority and dominion over the earth.

Speaker B:

Imagine it like losing their royal rank, you know, the one God intended for humanity.

Speaker A:

So it's like the whole fall from grace thing is way more than just messing up morally.

Speaker A:

It's like we lost our place of power and authority.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And then he connects us back to that verse in Romans that talks about falling short of the glory of God.

Speaker A:

But he says it's not just about moral failure, but more about, like, diminished power.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's this really profound insight that the fall caused humanity to operate at a lower level of authority and power than God originally intended.

Speaker B:

And that has big implications for how we understand salvation, too.

Speaker A:

Okay, I'm starting To see where this is going.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So if that's true, what did that original glory actually look like?

Speaker A:

And if Jesus restored it, what does that mean for us today?

Speaker A:

Like, how does this translate into real change in our world and our cities and nations?

Speaker B:

Those are the big questions Bleakny tackles head on.

Speaker B:

He goes into the Greek word sozo, which is usually translated as save.

Speaker B:

But he highlights its broader meaning of deliverance from the things that are blocking the kingdom from fully coming.

Speaker A:

So it's not just about escaping hell and going to heaven, but it's about breaking free from the stuff that's messing up life right here, right now.

Speaker B:

You got it.

Speaker B:

Bleakney's saying that salvation in its fullest sense is about dismantling the very structures of evil that hold us captive.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Okay, so it's not just about individuals getting saved.

Speaker A:

It's about seeing the kingdom of God manifest in every area of life.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's about bringing heaven to earth as Jesus prayed.

Speaker A:

And that's where things get really interesting for me.

Speaker A:

Bleakny lists four specific areas where Sozo applies.

Speaker A:

Yeah, sin, sickness, Satan, and even our own souls and minds.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

That's a much bigger picture of freedom and wholeness than I think a lot of us realize.

Speaker A:

It's like those stories of handkerchief healings in Acts.

Speaker A:

They make so much more sense now in light of this complete salvation.

Speaker B:

I love that connection.

Speaker B:

Those healings were totally proof of this complete gospel in action.

Speaker B:

You know, it shows us that living in the kingdom isn't just some spiritual idea.

Speaker B:

It's about experiencing wholeness and restoration in every part of life.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Okay, I'm with you.

Speaker A:

So then Blinkney brings up this pivotal moment.

Speaker A:

Satan tempting Jesus in the wilderness.

Speaker A:

Remember that he offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for just a little bit of worship.

Speaker A:

Why do you think Jesus refused that offer?

Speaker A:

It seems like such an easy way out.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's a question that has puzzled a lot of people for centuries.

Speaker B:

And that's exactly the point Bleakny is making.

Speaker B:

Taking that shortcut wouldn't have dealt with the root problem at sin.

Speaker B:

You see, the cross was essential to break the power of sin and restore humanity to its rightful place of authority.

Speaker B:

It wasn't just some nice symbolic gesture.

Speaker A:

So it's not about building some kind of Christian empire through political power or social movements or anything like that.

Speaker A:

It's about aligning ourselves with victory that Christ already won on the cross.

Speaker B:

That's a powerful way to put it.

Speaker B:

It's about recognizing that the battle has already been won, and we're called to walk in that victory.

Speaker A:

It really challenges the way we think about changing the world, doesn't it?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It shifts our focus from striving and fighting to resting in what Christ has already accomplished and partnering with him in the process of restoration and renewal.

Speaker A:

Okay, so we're not just waiting for heaven.

Speaker A:

We're bringing heaven to earth.

Speaker A:

And it all starts with understanding who we are in Christ and the victory he's already won.

Speaker B:

That's the foundation of it all.

Speaker A:

This is so good.

Speaker A:

I'm already seeing things in a new light.

Speaker B:

Me too.

Speaker A:

But where do we go from here?

Speaker A:

How do we actually live out this kingdom life in a practical way?

Speaker A:

Stay tuned for part two of our Deep Dive, where we'll explore Bleakney's insights on the kingdom economy and how to access the supernatural provision and resources of heaven.

Speaker B:

Can't wait.

Speaker A:

All right, so we're back, and we're diving deeper into Glen Bleakley's living in the Kingdom.

Speaker A:

We're talking about this whole idea of bringing heaven to earth and experiencing that kingdom power in our lives right now.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So you were talking about the kingdom economy before the break.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

What exactly does that mean?

Speaker A:

I'm picturing, like, divine ATM machines or something.

Speaker B:

Well, not quite ATMs, but you're on the right track.

Speaker B:

Blickney uses this term to describe the way that God provides and operates outside of our natural understanding of resources and limitations.

Speaker A:

Okay, I'm intrigued.

Speaker A:

Can you give us an example of what that looks like in the Bible?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Think about the feeding of the 5,000.

Speaker B:

You know, Jesus is faced with this massive crowd of hungry people, and the disciples are freaking out because they only have, like, five loaves of bread and two fish.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's like a picnic basket for a small family, not a feast for thousands.

Speaker B:

Right, but instead of focusing on the lacatory, Jesus looks to heaven and operates from a place of abundance, and boom.

Speaker B:

He multiplies the food, and everyone is fed with leftovers to spare.

Speaker A:

So it was like Jesus wasn't just doing some magic trick.

Speaker A:

He was actually tapping into a different reality, a different economy.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

He was demonstrating a heavenly principle of provision.

Speaker B:

That's the kingdom economy in action.

Speaker A:

Okay, that makes sense.

Speaker A:

But how do we access that kind of supernatural provision in our own lives?

Speaker A:

It's not like we could just snap our fingers and have food magically appear.

Speaker B:

Well, it does involve a certain kind of faith.

Speaker B:

Bleakny calls it faith as evidence of the unseen.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Faith as evidence of the unseen.

Speaker A:

Can you break that down for us?

Speaker A:

It sounds a bit abstract.

Speaker B:

It means that instead of looking at our circumstances and limitations, we fix our eyes on what God has promised.

Speaker B:

And we believe it even when we can't see it yet.

Speaker A:

So it's not just believing that God can do something, but believing that he is doing something even if we can't see the results yet.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's about trusting His Word more than we trust our own logic or our current circumstances.

Speaker A:

Okay, that's a challenge.

Speaker A:

So we're talking about trusting God for provision, but what about signs and wonders?

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker A:

Where do those fit into this whole living in the kingdom thing?

Speaker A:

I know that can be a bit of a controversial topic.

Speaker B:

You're right, it can be.

Speaker B:

But Blickney makes a strong case for why signs and wonders are still relevant today.

Speaker A:

Okay, I'm listening.

Speaker B:

He points out that they're not just about proving God's power.

Speaker B:

They actually serve several important purposes.

Speaker A:

Like what?

Speaker B:

Well, for one thing, they demonstrate God's compassion.

Speaker B:

You know, when Jesus healed the sick or raised the dead, it was a visible expression of his love and care for people.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

It wasn't just about preaching a message.

Speaker A:

It was about showing God's love in a tangible way.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And that's still true today.

Speaker B:

When God heals someone miraculously or does something supernatural, it's a reminder that he sees us and he cares about our needs.

Speaker A:

And it's not just about physical needs.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Bligny also talks about how signs and wonders reveal the completeness of the gospel.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's not just about going to heaven when we die.

Speaker B:

It's about experiencing the fullness of God's salvation here and now in every area of our lives.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He gives those four amazing examples.

Speaker A:

Salvation from sin and death, salvation from sickness and disease, salvation from Satan and demons, and even salvation of our souls and minds, our thoughts, emotions, our whole inner landscape.

Speaker B:

It's complete package deal.

Speaker B:

And signs and wonders are often a tangible manifestation of that complete salvation.

Speaker A:

And what was that third purpose of signs and wonders?

Speaker A:

Something about breaking through spiritual blindness.

Speaker B:

You got it.

Speaker B:

Bleakney quotes the Apostle Paul who said that Satan has blinded the minds of those who don't believe so that they can't see the truth of the gospel.

Speaker B:

And sometimes those supernatural demonstrations of God's power are like a divine spotlight.

Speaker B:

They cut through the darkness and help people to see God's reality.

Speaker A:

I like that analogy.

Speaker A:

It's like those stories where someone is completely resistant to the gospel until they see a miracle and then their heart is suddenly open.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's like God saying, okay, I'm going To get your attention first, and then I'm going to show you my love and my truth.

Speaker A:

That's powerful.

Speaker A:

So we're not just waiting around for God to do these things.

Speaker A:

We can actually partner with him in bringing the kingdom to Earth?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And that's where Bleakny's concept of as above so below comes in.

Speaker A:

As above, so below.

Speaker A:

What does that mean?

Speaker B:

It means that what's happening in the spiritual realm should be reflected here on Earth.

Speaker B:

And Bleakny suggests that Jesus miracles weren't random occurrences.

Speaker A:

Oh, interesting.

Speaker B:

He was actually replicating what he saw happening in heaven.

Speaker A:

So it's like there's a blueprint in the spiritual realm for how things are supposed to work here on Earth.

Speaker A:

And we can tap into that blueprint.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That's what makes it so exciting.

Speaker B:

We're not just limited by what we see and experience in the natural realm.

Speaker B:

We have access to a whole other dimension of possibilities.

Speaker A:

Okay, this is blowing my mind.

Speaker A:

So if Jesus could operate in that kind of power and authority as a human being, then that means we can too, right?

Speaker B:

That's the implication, yes.

Speaker B:

We're not just supposed to admire Jesus miracles from afar.

Speaker B:

We're supposed to be walking in that same power and authority today.

Speaker A:

Okay, but how do we actually do that?

Speaker A:

It's not like we can just flip a switch and suddenly become miracle workers.

Speaker B:

Well, it definitely takes more than just willpower or positive thinking.

Speaker B:

Bleakny emphasizes the importance of cultivating a deep relationship with God.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that makes sense.

Speaker B:

Spending time in his presence, learning to hear his voice, and aligning our hearts with his will.

Speaker A:

It's not about trying to force things to happen, but about surrendering to God's leading and partnering with his spirit.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And as we do that, we'll start to see those Kingdom economy miracles happen in our own lives and in the world around us.

Speaker A:

Okay, I'm starting to see how this all fits together.

Speaker A:

So we're talking about tapping into the kingdom economy, walking in signs and wonders, and operating with kingdom authority.

Speaker A:

But how does this actually translate into transforming cities and nations?

Speaker B:

Well, that's where Bleakney's concept of apostolic government comes in.

Speaker A:

Apostolic government.

Speaker A:

Now we're getting into some serious territory.

Speaker B:

It sounds intimidating, I know, but he's not talking about some kind of hierarchical structure or control.

Speaker B:

It's actually quite the opposite.

Speaker A:

Okay, I'm curious.

Speaker A:

Tell me more.

Speaker B:

Bleakney uses a really interesting analogy to illustrate this.

Speaker B:

He compares it to the strategies of the ancient Roman Empire.

Speaker A:

The Roman Empire?

Speaker A:

That seems like a bit of a stretch.

Speaker B:

I know it sounds strange.

Speaker B:

But hear me out.

Speaker B:

The Romans were masters of conquering new territories and establishing their culture and their laws.

Speaker A:

Okay, I'm following you.

Speaker A:

So what does that have to do with the Kingdom of God?

Speaker B:

Well, Bleakny says that apostolic churches should be invading the darkness with the light of the Gospel, occupying those territories with the presence of God, and transforming them by establishing a culture of the kingdom.

Speaker A:

So instead of conquering with military might, we're conquering with love, grace, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's a completely different kind of conquest, one that brings life and freedom instead of oppression and death.

Speaker A:

Okay, I'm starting to see the picture.

Speaker A:

But what does this look like in practice?

Speaker A:

How do we actually invade, occupy, and transform our world with the Kingdom of God?

Speaker B:

Well, Blickney dives into some specific examples, but.

Speaker B:

But what stands out to me is his emphasis on equipping believers to understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens of the kingdom.

Speaker A:

So we're not just passive recipients of God's grace.

Speaker A:

We're active participants in establishing his kingdom on earth.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And that requires us to understand who we are in Christ, the authority we carry, and how to exercise that authority in a way that brings transformation to our spheres of influence.

Speaker A:

Okay, so we're tapping into the kingdom economy, walking in signs and wonders, and operating with kingdom authority.

Speaker A:

This is starting to feel like a superhero movie.

Speaker B:

It kind of is.

Speaker B:

We've been given incredible power and resources, but Blickney reminds us that it all hinges on faith.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That seems to be the key ingredient.

Speaker A:

All of this.

Speaker A:

But how do we cultivate that kind of supernatural faith?

Speaker A:

Because it's one thing to talk about it, it's another thing to actually live it out.

Speaker B:

You're right.

Speaker B:

It's not something that just happens overnight.

Speaker B:

It takes intentionality and discipline.

Speaker B:

Ligny talks about the importance of renewing our minds with the world of God, spending time in prayer and worship and surrounding ourselves with people who are also pursuing a deeper experience of the kingdom.

Speaker A:

So it's about creating an environment where faith can flourish.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's like planting a seed in fertile soil and giving it the right conditions to grow.

Speaker B:

And as we do that, we'll start to see those kingdom economy miracles happen in our own lives and in the world around us.

Speaker B:

It's not about trying to force things to happen, but about surrendering to God's leading and partnering with his spirit.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

This is also encouraging.

Speaker A:

It makes living in the Kingdom feel less like a daunting task and more like an exciting adventure, an opportunity to partner with God in the Most incredible way.

Speaker B:

That's exactly how it should be.

Speaker B:

It's about discovering the adventure of walking with God and seeing his kingdom come to earth.

Speaker A:

So we've talked about the internal factors, the things within us that can either hinder or help us to experience the kingdom.

Speaker A:

But what about the external factors?

Speaker A:

What are some of the things in the world around us that might be holding us back from seeing the fullness of the kingdom manifest?

Speaker B:

Yeah, those external factors are important to consider, too.

Speaker B:

Blickney doesn't shy away from talking about the reality of spiritual warfare.

Speaker B:

You know, he acknowledges that we live in a world that is actively opposed to the kingdom of God.

Speaker B:

And there are these spiritual forces that are trying to stop the gospel from spreading and trying to stop God's power from being shown in the world.

Speaker A:

So we're not just fighting against our own internal struggles.

Speaker A:

We're not.

Speaker A:

We're actually in a spiritual battle.

Speaker B:

You got it.

Speaker B:

And Bleakning makes it clear that we're not alone in this fight.

Speaker B:

You know, we have the authority of Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the whole body of Christ to help us be strong and overcome.

Speaker A:

So we're not meant to be passive victims in this spiritual warfare.

Speaker A:

We're supposed to be like warriors advancing the kingdom of God.

Speaker B:

That's right.

Speaker B:

And Bleakny gives us some practical steps on how to actually fight in this spiritual battle.

Speaker B:

Things like putting on the armor of God, praying strategically, and taking authority over those demonic forces in the name of Jesus.

Speaker A:

It sounds like a spiritual boot camp.

Speaker A:

But I'm curious.

Speaker A:

What are some actual examples of how this living in the kingdom mindset can change cities and nations?

Speaker A:

Like, how does it work in the real world?

Speaker B:

Well, Bleakney shares some powerful examples from both the Bible and from stories today.

Speaker B:

He talks about how the early church was empowered by the Holy Spirit, and they totally flipped their world upside down.

Speaker B:

You know, they spread the gospel like wildfire and changed their communities through acts of love, compassion, passion, and supernatural power.

Speaker A:

So it's not just about praying for revival, it's about being the revival.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's about being the hands and feet of Jesus in the world, showing his love and his power in ways that people can actually see and experience.

Speaker A:

I love that.

Speaker A:

And Bleakney also shares stories of people today who are walking in their kingdom identity, and they're seeing breakthroughs in areas like government, education, business, and even the arts.

Speaker A:

It's like no area of life is off limits to the transforming power of God's kingdom.

Speaker B:

That's exactly right.

Speaker B:

And he gives us practical steps for bringing the kingdom into those different areas of life, not as powerless bystanders, but as ambassadors of the King, carrying his authority and bringing his solutions to the problems of the world.

Speaker A:

Okay, this is getting me pumped up, but before we get too carried away, I think we're just about out of time for this episode.

Speaker B:

You're right, we've covered a lot of ground today, and it's clear that Blickney's book is full full of insights and practical tools for anyone who wants to stop being a spectator and start actively participating in bringing God's Kingdom to Earth.

Speaker A:

Well, you've definitely sparked my interest.

Speaker A:

I'm ready to dive into that book and start putting some of these principles into practice.

Speaker A:

How about you?

Speaker A:

Are you ready to step into the fullness of your Kingdom inheritance?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I have a feeling you're going to discover some incredible things as you go deeper into this idea of living in the Kingdom.

Speaker A:

So for all of you listening out there, if you want to learn more about how to tap into the power of the Kingdom of God and see real transformation in your life and in your world, we highly recommend checking out Glenn Bleakney's book Living in the Kingdom.

Speaker A:

You can find it on Amazon and it's full of practical insights and biblical truths that will help you walk in the fullness of your Kingdom identity and become an agent of change in the world around you.

Speaker B:

Thanks for joining us on this deep dive into living in the Kingdom.

Speaker B:

May you be empowered to live out the reality of the Kingdom in every area of your life.

Speaker A:

Until next time, keep seeking, keep growing, and keep living in the Kingdom.

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Kingdom Encounter with Glenn Bleakney

Kingdom Encounter with Glenn Bleakney

The teachings and ministry of Glenn and Lynn Bleakney of Awake Nations Ministries. Learn more about us by visiting AwakeNations.org.
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Awake Nations
Join us for Kingdom teaching and discussions with Glenn Bleakney of Awake Nations Ministries. Watch our TV shows online at https://KingdomCommunity.tv
Experience transformative Kingdom teachings and profound conversations as Glenn Bleakney, founder of Awake Nations Ministries, explores the depths of spiritual awakening and church reformation. Through powerful teaching sessions and insightful interviews with Kingdom leaders, this podcast delves into revival, the Five-fold ministry, and revolutionary perspectives on building God's Kingdom. Each episode equips believers with fresh revelations and practical wisdom for advancing God's purposes in their lives and communities.
Discover more about Glenn Bleakney's ministry at AwakeNations.org.
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Glenn Bleakney

Glenn Bleakney is the founder of Awake Nations and the Kingdom Community. Learn more by visiting AwakeNations.org and KingdomCommunity.tv